Learn how to meet, pick up, attract, flirt with,
seduce, date, make a girlfriend out of, and marry
the kind of woman you have always wanted –
NO MATTER what you look like or how old you are.
A lot of the dating GURUs will give you advice on how to meet women, pick up women, attract women, flirt with women, and seduce women. But WHY do you think no other Guru tells you how to do all of the above, and then tell you how to turn these “meetings” into girlfriends or wives, and then how to keep them forever?
Because they DON’T KNOW HOW. – They even admit it . They know how to attract women, but they really don’t know how to keep them once they attract women. Don’t believe me? Check out the major gurus right here – David DeAngelo, David M., Mystery, Neil Strauss – come back when you are done. I don’t have to hide from my competitors because my stuff is ten times better. So go ahead, check them out. I’ll wait……………
……Back ok, now let’s continue. (By the way, David DeAngelo, David M., Mystery, Neil Strauss are all great guys.)
But if you want to attract women, not only are my techniques 10 times better because they are:
1) Natural – you don’t have to be anybody but you, or do or say things you are uncomfortable with in order to attract women.
2) Technologies not strategies – I close 80-90% of the women I meet in ANY situation – bars, clubs, internet dating, friends of friends, walking down the street, in the grocery store, etc. and with ANY personality type. WHY? Because I use communication technologies NOT strategies. The other dating gurus give you more-or-less shot gun strategies that only work on 1 out of five, 1 out of ten, or 1 out of 100 women, or only work in certain situations (Like bars and clubs or the internet) or they only work with certain personality types (like bitches!). Communication Technologies are what I use to develop and create strategies. I show you how to develop your own unique strategies that are 100% RIGHT for you! Believe me this is the best way to meet women and attract women.
3) Coordinated with having a relationship. My techniques set you up for a sound relationship from the very beginning. Many of the things these other Dating Gurus teach you will attract women and get you a date, maybe even some sex, but they doom a real relationship from the very beginning.
Attract Women
Click Here To Read Some Testimonials
BUT the best thing is my techniques simply work better even if you aren’t interested in a relationship. If you simply want to attract women, meet women and get laid the rest of your life, my techniques work ten times better than the other GURUS’ do.
How do I know my stuff is ten times better? Well, frankly you may not be able to tell from reading our internet promotion pages like this one. After all, it probably ALL sounds like sales hype to you. But I could tell, because I already knew how to attract women and meet women and I got their materials and read and listened to them. (You see, I am always trying to improve my abilities and learn new things.) I was ASTONISHED to learn that the so called GURUS’ statistics were not as good as mine. And when I wrote to some of them and explained that I tried their program but was getting worse results than I normally got and asked what I might be doing wrong….I never heard back from them.
Now these guys aren’t a complete waste of time. Quite the opposite. If you have a lot of money and want to maximize your learning, buy ALL of their books. They are good guys and you can learn some real truth from each one of them. But the problem is, their strategies work, BUT ONLY on a certain type of woman, or only in certain situations, and only part of the time. Their strategies are numbers games – they work on 1 out of 5, 1 out of 10 women, 1 out of twenty times, etc. But, they DO work and their strategies will help you attract women and meet women.
None of their strategies work in ALL situations and with ALL personalities, however, and none of their strategies will necessarily lead to a successful relationship – AND THEY KNOW IT. That is why they all back off from telling you anything about relating to women successfully.
And their strategies ALL require you to assume a different personality. To BE someone you may not feel comfortable being in order to attract women.
My materials work for ALL situations and for ALL personality types. YOU can be YOU and still ATTRACT WOMEN!
David DeAngelo’s motto is “Double Your Dating.” Well my motto is “Ten Times Your Dating.” (See my eReport – How I Got 700 Dates In One Year)
MYSTERY tells you how to pick up a certain kind of beautiful hot woman in clubs. Well I’ve been using the same techniques he does, probably before he was even born. His techniques work – but only on a certain type of club woman. I’ll show you how to pickup ANY WOMAN in a club. Because I cover ALL the personality types and I give you three radically different club techniques to attract women. (Click here for free sample of these techniques.)
David M. is the internet Dating GURU, but when I compared my Internet statistics to his, I was getting twice as many responses and three times as many dates than he was. (And that is after my rejecting 85% of the women who wanted to meet me.) I will show you how to really attract women using the internet.
Moreover, YOU may not want to attract women who respond to “Cocky and Funny.” Or you may not want to meet women in Bars and Clubs. Or you may not want to meet the kind of women who dates on the internet. ( You see different personality types are attracted to different things.) The problem with these dating gurus is that their strategies only attracts one kind of woman. And chances are it won’t be the kind you like unless you are just like them.
Even Neil Strauss (Style) says “THE GAME IS CHANGING” men using the so called GURU’s techniques are getting busted. WHY? Too many men have been taught the same thing. So lines that use to work and attract women are now being busted on by women. YES, I do give you plenty of quick lines and strategies to get you moving right away, but the main thrust of my book, Dating To Relating – From A to Z, is to give you the tools to develop your own unique strategies. My book doesn’t breed copy cat pick up artists. It educates men to be good observers and communicators so they can attract women, meet women and maintain relationships effortlessly.
I don’t have a game. I have a technology. And I give it to you. Women will never be able “bust” my basic technology because my basic technology is “good communication.” And women “love it” even if they do know what you are doing! In other words my book doesn’t make a bunch clones that ALL will get busted sooner or later. It makes men! And real men attract women!
RELATING TO WOMEN SUCCESSFULLY begins with what you say and do when you first meet them. It begins with how you attract women. There is more than one way to attract women. Some of the ways that you attract women will result in relationships. Other ways will end in nothing, or friends with no sex, or one night stands, or ?????.
In my book Dating To Relating, from A to Z. you won’t learn random techniques that will help you attract women and meet women but won’t end up in a successful relationship. Everything I show you will help you transist from attracting women and meeting the women that you want in the situation that you want to relating to them successfully.
And I’ll GUARANTEE it. I know what I am talking about. (Click here to learn more about Mr. L. Rx)
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I teach you how to BE YOURSELF and attract, meet, date, and relate to women. You don’t have to take on someone else’s personality to be successful at attracting women, meeting women, and relating to women .
Attract Women
- How to prospect for and qualify women so that you have a 80-90% close rate on meeting them and asking for a date. (And these will be women who like you for being you!)
- How to adjust what you say and how you say it according to the personality type you are meeting. This is what creates attraction.
- I teach you situational strategies – not shot gun strategies – I close 80-90% of the women I approach and I will show you how to MEET any type of women in any TYPE of situation and close her.
- I teach you how to use PICK UP lines and give you PICK UP technique laid out for different situations
- I teach you how to develop your own PICK UP lines and PICK UP technique from the principles I show you and apply them to different situations.
- I teach you exact techniques for approaching different types of women and establishing a relationship ( CLICK HERE for an EXAMPLE right now. This example will show you how different types of women require different strategies.)
- I teach you to understand how different types of women think and how to approach each type.
- I teach you how to approach a woman without feeling uncomfortable – no matter who you are and how you feel about yourself, I help you get comfortable attracting women, approaching women, and talking to women.
- What a woman’s feet have to do with it? That’s right—I’ll teach you how feet can be a guide to SANITY in meeting and relating to women. (CLICK HERE to Check It Out NOW if You Want to.)
- Learn how to understand women and to use subtle and gradient communications that women use.
- Learn how to attract women so that women approach you, and make the moves on you first.
- Learn how to reject girls – let them down easy. Get use to it. You’ll have so many girls, you’ll have to let a few of them go!
- Learn how to define what your ideal woman is so you know what you are prospecting for.
- Learn exact strategies for meeting women and attracting women in different settings — bars, street, stores, etc.
- Learn how to establish “Future” with a woman. Relationships start here.
- Learn how to establish “Future” with a women walking down the street, in the mall, etc. (CLICK HERE to read an excerpt from by book on how to create FUTURE when meeting women.)
- Learn exact techniques for what to do on the first date so you don’t blow it.
- Exact techniques for what to do on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. dates so you don’t blow it.
- And once you make it that far I’ll even tell you how to develop your budding relationship.
Go To Next Page To Read Sample Excerpts From The Book
or if you can’t wait…
and you will learn how to attract women and meet women