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How I Got 700  Dates In One Year
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How To Tell If He Is Married, Cheating, Or A Player

Is He Married? Is He Cheating? Is He A Player?


So there is another problem out there that I am getting in emails from women about. It is how to tell if a guy is married. How to tell if he is cheating. How to tell if he is a player.

Apparently there are a lot of married guys out there on the internet pretending to be single.

Is he married and is he playing you?

Actually there are sites set up for married men and women to have affairs, but those are not the problem. People logging on to those sites know the answer to “Is he married?” The problem is when men get on and other traditional services and pretend to be single. I read somewhere that it is estimated that as much as one-third of the guys on these services are married or in relationships.

How do you tell from a website profile if a guy is single or not. Can you figure out the answer to the question “Is he married” by quickly going over a profile?

Well, I don’t really know of anyway of doing that myself. But I do know that if you ask people about something you suspect or are concerned about, a lot of them will be truthful with you.

So if you start a chatting or email relationship with someone you might just ask them. Are you married or anything? Not all of them will come clean, but a percentage will provide a truthful answer to that question: “Is he married?”

You also might read their profile fully. Sometimes there is a hidden message somewhere so that they don’t feel like they are lying. They may say something like – “just ending a bad relationship ” or something to that effect to give you a clue that they still might actually be in a relationship.

For the ones that you can’t weed out by internet chat and clues, well you are going to have to look for little clues when you meet them in person that may provide an answer to the question “Is he married?”

Is He Married? Or in a relationship?

Some of the obvious clues are as follows:

1) He always wants to meet at your place, or around your place. He never wants to meet around where he lives or works for fear that he might be seen. If you are the kind of woman that always has the guy pick you up and take you places, he might be able to get away with it for a long while. Hmmm, is he married?

Does he even tell you where he lives? Does he ever invite you over? Single guys usually want to take you to their place to put the moves on you. If he is not like that there must be a reason. (Either he has a dirty smelly small cheap apartment in the ghetto, or he is living with someone he doesn’t want you to know about.) Hmmm, is he married?

So it might be a good move to ask to see his apartment. Is he resistive to the idea? What kind of excuse does he give you? If he is totally resistive then you might suggest a restaurant in his neighborhood. Or try hanging out in his neighborhood for a day or evening. Does he look nervous, worried? Make some observations…. Is he married?

You might also ask to meet his family. Usually (unless his family are scum too and will lie for him) he will try to avoid any kind of family meetings as they will know he is cheating.

2) How do you contact him? Does he give you a work number only? A cell number but not a home number? Does he make excuses why he can’t give you a home number? Does he only answer you phone calls at certain times of the day? Is he never available late at night? Hmmm, is he married?

You might try calling him late at night some time with a problem. See if he answers. If he answers quickly and talks to you, then he probably is alone. If he never answers. You might get suspicious. Or if he always lets it ring a lot before answering, perhaps he is going into another room.

Now of course if a guy has a wife who works a night shift, he can get away with this. But then his pattern would be that he could never talk to you at home during the day time. Hmmm, is he married?

If he never picks up at all at certain times that are suspicious, try calling him at that time with your caller ID blocked, or call from a friends phone. See if he suddenly picks up.

3) What kind of schedule does he keep? Does he only meet you on a certain day of the week? (Perhaps it is the night his wife goes to her girl group or something.) Does he cancel on you frequently with odd excuses? Car breaks down? Someone dies?

4) Does he slip up when talking? Does he say “wife” rather than “ex-wife”? Does he say we rather than I ? There may be another person somewhere around. Hmmm, Is he married? Or does he have a girlfriend or is he living with someone?

5) Look at his ring finger. Does it have a tan mark? Of course he could say he is recently divorced, but if he keeps putting that ring back on, it won’t ever go away, will it? Is he married?

6) Ask him things that a single man should know. Single men do their own laundry and have to clean up (or get a maid). They cook for themselves or eat out a lot. So ask him some cleaning questions. If he says he has a maid to get around specific answers, then say you were thinking of hiring a maid and ask for her name and number. If he can’t or won’t give it to you then you know something is up.

Ask him about his cooking habits. Ask him what places he likes to go out and eat at. If he gets vague and can’t answer you then you know that someone is probably cooking for him.

And if he does fess up, don’t ever lose your integrity and fall for a sad story of how bad his wife treats him. Remember one thing. He has already proven that he cheats. And no matter how great he makes you feel by telling you that you are the best and most wonderful woman he has ever met, remember one thing, he is a liar and a cheater. And if he cheats on her, he will cheat on you.

Mr. L. Rx

Like The Article? Then Get The Definitive Book by Mr. P. L. Ayer
“Busted:How To Spot A Player And A Cheater”



Learn why a player and cheater who has had sex with thousands of women never got caught. Learn 26 ways to tell if your man is cheating and get seven complete case studies of women who were played, with full IM transcripts.

This is the book that exposes it all. If you suspect your man is a liar and a cheater and/or is playing you, this is the book you need.

This book will definitely answer that question “Is he married.”

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How To Tell If He Is Married (c) 2007 Dating To Relating, Inc.
How To Tell “Is He Married” (c) 2007 Dating To Relating, Inc.

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Dating To Relating For Women

Welcome to Dating To Relating For Women

We are in the process of putting together materials to help women meet the kind of man they are looking for and to understand how to relate to men better. (Sign up for our Women’s Newsletter at the bottom of this page.)

In Our Dating To Relating For Women materials, you will learn how to:

– spot a player
– spot a cheater
– how to tame a player and cheater
– to get rid of “unwanted” attention or “unwanted” men
– how to develop and have men “friends” who aren’t interested in you sexually
– how to compete for a man who has his choice of women
– how to find, compete for and obtain the kind of man you are looking for
– how to relate to and keep the man of your choice

Joining our staff and writing materials for women will be Mr. P. L. Ayer.
Mr. P. L. Ayer, you guessed it – is a Player. With thousands of sexual conquests under his belt, Mr. P. L. Ayer upon becoming the proud father of two girls has had a change of heart. Realizing he wouldn’t want men using his daughters the way he has used thousands of women, Mr. P. L. Ayer is now determined to educate women on how men like himself use, lie to, and cheat on women without ever getting caught. The Secrets of a master player EXPOSED for the benefit of women exclusively on
“How To Get Any Woman In Seven Days” is his first report. Developed in a “frat house” of players in college, the seven day plan has never failed Mr. P. L. Ayer in landing the object of his sexual desire. His simple plan has been used to score thousands of sexual conquests for Mr. P. L. Ayer alone. Moreover, the plan was duplicated and verified by scores of his fellow “frat” brothers. A must read for any woman who wants to know the game plan and approach of a master player. Now available get your copy today.

“The Secrets Of Men”
– in his second report, Mr. P. L. Ayer answers the five most common questions he has been asked by women about men. Now available get your copy today.

Mr. P. L. Ayer, breaks the code of silence and educates women on ALL aspects of being played in “BUSTED: How To Spot a Player and Cheater – The Secrets Of A Reformed Player (What Every Man Would Want His Daughter To Know)”

Learn why a player and cheater who has had sex with thousands of women never got caught. Learn 26 ways to tell if your man is cheating and get seven complete case studies of women who were played, with full IM transcripts.

This is the book that exposes it all. If you suspect your man is a liar and a cheater and/or is playing you, this is the book you need. Now available get your copy today.

Click here to see the table of contents for “BUSTED: How To Spot a Player and Cheater – The Secrets Of A Reformed Player (What Every Man Would Want His Daughter To Know)”
Then in his next book Mr. P. L. Ayer will educate women on how to corral and control the basic instinct of men in “How To Get The Man You Want (And Other Truths About Men You Never Wanted To Hear)”. (Scheduled for release in Fall of 2009 – In the meantime, girls, get a copy of “How To Get Any Woman In Seven Days” – it will be an eye opener!) If you want to ORDER a copy of “How To Get The Man You Want (And Other Truths About Men You Never Wanted To Hear)” before it is released you can get 50% off the release price here and a FREE COPY of “How To Get Any Woman In Seven Days”. Your eBook will be emailed to you as soon as it is released.

Click here to see the table of contents for “How To Get The Man You Want (And Other Truths About Men You Never Wanted To Hear)”

Beyond Playing – For those women who want to learn how to attract, meet, compete for and keep the kind of man you really want then you are going to want a copy of Dating To Relating – From A To Z (For Women) – now scheduled for release in the last quarter of 2009. If you want to know how to compete for the kind of man you want then you are going to want to know what Mr. L. Rx (who turns down HUNDREDS of women a year for sex and relationships) is going to tell you. For women who can’t wait, Mr. L. Rx suggests you get a copy of Dating To Relating – From A To Z (A Man’s Guide To Understanding Women) NOW as a lot of the technology (especially the relationship technology) applies to both men and women. And if you order your copy HERE you will get a free copy of Dating To Relating – From A To Z (For Women) when it is released. Make sure you order from this page to get a free copy of Dating To Relating – From A To Z (For Women) when it is released.

Coming Soon: You will be able to see the table of contents for “Dating To Relating – From A To Z (For Women)”

Who better to teach women how to spot and avoid, or coral and tame Players and Cheaters than a master player himself? Mr. P. L. Ayer

Who better to teach women how to meet, compete for, secure and relate to “Mr. Right” than a man who turns down hundreds of women a year and who has NEVER cheated on a girlfriend or wife? Mr. L. Rx



Dating AND Relating For Women

Dating TO Relating For Women

How Women Blow It With A Good Man

How To Tell If He Is Married


Sign Up for Our Women’s Newsletter Below – This is a different Newsletter than the one that goes out to men.

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Serial Dating

Serial Dating

When I wrote the eReport “How I Got 700 Dates in One Year” which definitely is a treatise on serial dating, it caused a little controversy — usually amongst women.

A lot of women think that multiple or serial dating is a no-no,     something that only dysfunctional people do. Well I got news for you. Everything is situational. Anyone that has followed my writings would know that that is my theme.

I would be the first one to agree that a person who “multiple” or “serial” dates with no intention of ever doing anything else would have at least some major “relating” issues.

But, serial dating applied in the right context is not only not dysfunctional, but it is quite the opposite. Serial dating done to get a better understanding of the opposite sex, so you can figure out who you like, and what you like, and what kinds of people like you, is about the most mentally healthy thing you can do.

What do you think most parents tell their teenage sons and daughters?

They tell them: “Don’t get serious with one person, you need to date and meet a lot of girls/guys.”

Now believe it or not, this teenage advice can also be very good advice for adults.

Serial Dating

First of all, most adults never followed their parents advice and dated lots of people. Most people seem to have a pattern of hooking up with the first “acceptable” person who shows them some real interest.

Unfortunately, there is a big difference between “acceptable” and “ideal” and also unfortunately most people usually continue this pattern of hooking up with the first “acceptable” person who comes along well into adulthood.

We call this “compromising” or “settling” and ultimately it leads to unhappiness in relationships, and a failure to understand the opposite sex.

You see there are many different types of people in the world and, believe it or not, there is someone for everyone. But the problem is you may have to meet a hell of a lot of people to find that one someone.

Another problem is that many people are so confused about life and relationships and people, they don’t really have any idea of what kind of personality is a good match for them. They base their ideals off of the Hollywood imagery of what they think they want.

The cure is simple. When you date and meet lots of people, sooner or later you figure it out for yourself. It’s a natural process. You get comfortable with people, you realize that everyone is different, and that different types of people like different types of people. Eventually you figure out what kind of person you are and what kind of people you get along with best.

Mom and Dad’s teenage words of wisdom are good for everyone.

Serial Dating

I wouldn’t advise anyone to go out of 700 dates in a year for the hell of it, not even 100 dates. But if you want to understand the opposite sex and get a perspective on things, or if you just want to meet that person you’ve always been looking for and then stop and settle down, “multiple” or “serial” dating might just be for you.

“Serial Dating” (C) 2007 Dating To Relating, Inc.

Posted in Articles, Date Women, For Men, Meet Women.

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Excerpts From Dating To Relating -From A To Z

Dating to Relating – From A to Z

Here are some excerpts from the book (Go ahead and read them – its free information- perhaps ALL you will ever need):

How To Pick Up Women in Bars And Clubs

How To Tell If a Woman Has a Compatible Personality in 10 seconds.

How to Establish “Future” When Meeting and Picking Up Women

The Art of Seduction – A Classic Example

How To Make Love To A Woman




Posted in Book Excerpts.

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Feet, Personality Theory, Dating and Relationships

Feet, Personality Theory, Dating and Relationships

Excerpt From Dating To Relating – From A to Z –

How To Tell If a Woman Has a Compatible Personality in 10 seconds.

What have feet to do with personality theory and relationships?

Well I am sure there are people who can read every aspect of your feet. Just like palm readers do. I won’t even go into whether or not those are exact sciences or even true.

I’ve never even really looked into it.

But when it comes to relationships, one of the biggest problems is matching people of similar or compatible personality theory types.

As you may know, if you have been following my writings, I am a keen observer of things. Particularly things to do with meeting women, picking up women, and relating to women.

I talk about different personality theory types that I named “love girls,” “beautiful teases,” and “gradient girls” in many of my writings. Of course those were barroom terms and observations I made 30 years ago.

(See: “How To Pick Up Women In Bars And Clubs?” )

These days I use more sophisticated personality theory observation systems. Systems that help me tremendously in my every day life dealing with family, friends, and business associates as well as my love interests and potential love interest.

But when writing for you guys there is still some value in referring to these old barroom types, because they are easily observable and most guys have bumped into them in a bar or club once or twice or more.

Most of what I observe, both then and now, has to do with motion and emotion and the actual products people produce.

Now, I’m not here to teach you about personality theory. And in fact I won’t.

As a subject it is 100 times more complex than meeting, dating and relating to women. And there are others who have already documented workable personality theory and technology.

But the problem with most dating gurus is related to this personality theory topic. There are different types of men and different types of women. Different types of people relate differently. If you want to be successful in your dating strategies it is not something you can ignore.

Most dating gurus do ignore personality theory types, however. They lump all men or all women into one category and talk about what women think or what men feel, when the truth is the variation between personality theory types is much greater than the variation between the sexes.

In simple words, the reason you don’t feel like you understand women (or men if you are a woman) has more to do with not understanding different personality types than it has to do with the differences between the sexes.

When you ignore personality theory types, “pick up,” meeting,” and “relating” advice becomes a low percentage game – strategies that work only 1 out of 10 times on the general population. (Even though they might work a higher percentage of times in a specific situation where you have an accumulation of a certain personality type – like bars and clubs.)

Observational strategies that take personality theory type into consideration work 8 or 9 times out of ten on the general population – in every situation. Quite a difference in the success rate. When you master personality types and situational dating and relating methods you become a master of this area. When you can get 8 or 9 out of 10 women that you target, you feel good and confident about your self.

So, as I see it, the problem comes down to this. Even if you are not a master of personality types, if you had a way to meet women who were compatible with your own personality type everything would flow pretty easy. You would pretty much know what to do, know what to say, etc. It would be natural.

The problem is the majority of guys don’t look at personality first they look at bodies.

And when they do look at personality they get confused. They have no systematic way of observing, understanding and predicting human behavior. So often it takes six months after you meet a person to get through their “façade” or “social” personality before they start showing you who they really are, and other times it is not even six months. It is a major event that occurs – moving in together, marriage, etc. – before they let down their guard and show you who they really are.

The reason I became successful picking up women in bars and clubs 30 years ago, was I was able to spot personality theory types from certain patterns of motion that they exhibited. From that I was able to predict their behavior and apply situational strategies that led them straight into my arms.

Now what I am really trying to do with all my writings is teach you guys how to observe these things for your self. That is what will make you a master of this area. Sometimes I can give you guys my observations which can act as short cuts to leaning, and I do when I can.

So here is one of those…

Personality Theory

This is a shortcut to personality theory typing and spotting that you can learn and start applying in only a few minutes from now.

It is a way you can look at a women’s body (what you do naturally) and determine a personality type in as little as a few seconds and know with a high degree of probability whether she is the right personality type for you or not.

But first a little history..

About two years ago I was visiting my chiropractor. I had an injury to one of my legs which kind of turned one of my feet outward. My natural feet angles where pretty much straight on – what I call 12 noon. If you were to look at a clock both my feet would be pointing to 12 noon on the clock dial. By definition there was no angle between my feet. They were parallel when I walked.

Because of my injury to my left leg, however, my left foot was pointing to about “6 minutes to 12 on a clock face “and my right foot was pointing at 12 noon when I walked.

I asked my chiropractor about this and made a comment that assumed that most people must walk with their feet pointing to 12 noon. He said that they didn’t and then he said something VERY, VERY INTERESTING. He said that the angle of the feet was controlled by a muscle and organ than had something to do with the emotion of “fear.”

Now this interested me to no end, as the emotion of fear is something that I had observed and definitely played a role in personality theory types and typing.

I had a little more discussion with him, but in the end, I left his office with a hypothesis to test. – That the relative angle between the feet is a measure of the emotion of fear within a person.

Now, “fear” is a very important emotion when it comes to personality theory typing. No “fear” makes a man very brave. A little “fear” makes him conservative, a lot of “fear” makes him afraid and even more “fear” and he is terrified. If an angry man has “fear” mixed in with his anger he becomes “covert” (backstabbing – as he is afraid to attack you from the front) rather than “overt” (face-to-face) in his anger.

Interesting this thing called “fear.”

For example my “love girls” of the barroom days had “no fear.” In fact they were so brave they scared men.

The “beautiful teases,” were very afraid, they acted brave (apparent flirt) but then ran away at the first sign of real interest.

Those “gradient girls,” they just had a little fear – afraid men in bars were all just a bunch of jerks.

The strategies that I evolved to pick up these different types of women were pretty much molded to handle their different types or levels of relative “fear.”


After my talk with the chiropractor, I went back to the clubs and looked at a few examples of these “barroom” personality types with respect to this angle between the feet.

First let me give you a few definitions in case you don’t know what degrees and angles and other geometric terms are.

Let us use the face of a clock for an example. Look at the big hand and the little hand. They both start at the Personality Theorysame point in the center of the dial, but the tips of the big hand and little hand point to different places. The two lines formed by the big hand and the little hand create an angle. The angle between them is measured geometrically in degrees.

A circle has 360 degrees. So in the clock example every minute would be a change of 6 degrees. So if we use 12 noon or 12 o’clock. The two hands are parallel and there is no angle, or 0 degrees.

When it is 12:05 pm the hands create what is called a 30 degree angle. When it is 12:10 the two hands create a 60 degree angle. At 12:15 the two hands create a 90 degree angle and at 12:20 the two hands create a 120 degree angle.

Now the angles between human feet don’t get much wider than that. (though I have seen a few 12:22s ) So for our purposes let’s stop the geometry lesson here.

For our purposes though, I usually don’t refer to the angles between the feet as 12:15 etc. as one has to turn one’s head to see the angle correctly. If I am using the clock analogy, I usually refer to the feet positions as – left foot from 1 to 10 minutes before 12 noon or 12 noon if straight — and the right foot from 1 to 10 minutes after noon or 12 noon if straight — (i.e. left foot 5 minutes before noon, right foot five minutes after noon.).

Let’s continue

Now “Love Girls” tended to have perfectly straight feet (both feet pointed at 12 noon). Gradient girls typically have an angle between the feet of about 12 to 24 degrees – left foot (1 or 2 minutes before noon) right foot (1 or 2 minutes after noon).

The beautiful teases typically had a angle of between 72 to 120 degrees between their feet – left foot (6 -10 minutes before noon) right foot (6-10 minutes after noon.)

Now when I say usually or tended I mean about 8 or 9 times out of ten. Or a correlation of 80-90 percent with the personality type. Now for those of you who know anything about correlation that is pretty high. That means you could make predictions about personality types and be right 8 or 9 times out of ten.


Does that mean everyone with straight feet are “love girls”? No. It doesn’t. No more than if I said college professors all tend to have a high IQ, would it mean that everyone with a high IQ was a college professor. Love Girls are just a small subset of people with straight feet.

What it means is that people with straight feet have little or no fear. Thus you will find them doing all kinds of things that exhibit little fear. – They might be the kind of people that start their own business, or work on commission, or take other job or career risks that others might be to afraid to do. They, might be the kind of people that will talk to anyone, share their real thoughts and opinions easily, and say all kinds of personal things that others would be afraid to say out of embarrassment.

It could mean however, that if a girl with straight feet ever gets herself in a position where she is terribly horny, without a boyfriend, and the only thing she can think of is going to a bar with the intention of picking up some guy to get laid, well then she would most likely go about it like a “Love Girl” and NOT like a “Beautiful tease” or “Gradient Girl”.

But be careful how you interpret these things or it could get you in trouble.

Remember, feet angles give you the relative amount of fear. That is all we know for sure. Everything else is a correlation.

So let’s talk about fear for a second. There is situationally appropriate fear and generalized fear. Everyone – all personality types – should have situationally appropriate fear. So we all might feel some fear walking down some bad street with gangsters and hoodlums all around us late at night. We all might feel some fear trusting our life to some doctor performing an operation where only 50% of the people survive.

It is generalized fear – non situationally appropriate fear – that tells us more about personality type. Being shy and afraid to talk to women is a form of fear. Being afraid to talk to a bunch of people in front of a public speaking class is a form of fear. Being afraid to invest one’s money in a business venture is a form of fear.

Being afraid to leave one’s nine to five job security to start your own business is a form of fear. Being afraid of the dark is a form of fear. Being afraid of the unknown is a form of fear. Being afraid of what your friends might think about something you say or do is a form of fear. Being afraid of looking ridiculous in front of your friends is a form of fear.

It is these generalized fears and non-situationally appropriate fears that determine personality theory type.

You see the “Love Girl” is confident and fearless. She isn’t afraid of men, so when she wants to get laid she walks into a bar knowing she’s sexy and knowing she can intimidate men. She just looks every man in the eye because she wants a confident fearless man – just like her.

The gradient girl is not as confident and fearless. She is afraid that most of the guys in bars are jerks. So she approaches the situation with that bias. She is not so afraid that she will run away from men who will approach her, but she will banter with them and just say “no” when it comes to the real “pick up” moment because her fear biases her towards the viewpoint that men in this situation should be feared.

The “beautiful tease” is deathly afraid of men. She is in the bar because she is trying to overcome her fears. She is beautiful and has learned that men will respond to her, so she flirts to get attention and attraction which make her feel good. But as soon as some guy gets really interested, she runs away. She is deathly afraid and can’t confront it. It takes a guy who understand this and make her feel totally safe and in control to seduce her. Such was the technique that I worked out 30 years ago.

So how do we use this “angle of the feet” observation to help you guys with your dating and relating problems.

Well there is one giant maxim that I am going to give you in a moment, but first let me say the way you use this is to make observations for yourself. I’m not here to give you lessons in personality theory. Just know that there are different personality types that correlate with the “angles between the feet.”

Start by observing the angle of your own feet. Then observe the feet of the people that you know and observe similarities and differences in personality. Start out with major differences, Like people with straight feet versus people with very wide feet. See which angles you get along with best.

There is no right or wrong here, or good or bad. There is just compatibility.

So HERE is the GIANT MAXIM. (a truth or basic principle).

MAXIM:1 – You should not get into a relationship with anyone who is more than 2-3 minutes on a clock face or 12- 24 degrees (geometrically) different than your own “angle between the feet.” People who are more than 2-3 minutes or 12-24 degrees different from you are going to have personality types that are too different from you to achieve total compatibility with.

Remember, however, that this is only true 80-90% of the time. There will be exceptions to the rule. WHY? Because people have “façade” or “social” feet angles just like they have “façade” or “social personalities.”

For example, people who are in the acting or modeling industry may be trained to walk with their feet totally straight. (12 noon). So you may have a “beautiful tease” that has straight feet because she was trained to walk that way not because she has “no fear!” Get it.

People have accidents to their legs and feet and back etc. that can change the angle between their feet and give you a false interpretation. Usually however it is one foot that is out, not both, but I have met people with both out as results of accidents.

MAXIM 2: – If you are in a relationship with someone who has an angle between their feet more than 2-3 minutes on a clock face or 12- 24 degrees (geometrically) different than your own “angle between the feet,” and if you get along beautifully, than forget about it. You are probably in that area of the 10-20% exceptions that don’t correlate. Ultimately you have to observe the person in front of you and not their feet.

However, if you are having trouble with this person in a relationship, then observe their exact angle and make a point of meeting other people with that angle and talking to them. Talk to your guy friends with a similar angle. There is a personality type here, get to know and understand it. They are different from you. They don’t think like you do. So throw all you assumptions out the window and get to know the personality type in front of you.

If you can do that then you will be able to improve the understanding between each other in the relationship. The closer they are in relation to your own “angle between the feet” however, the better chance you have for long term survival of your relationship.


This is one of those observations that took me years to observe and figure out that you can benefit from immediately.

Stick with girls (and guy fiends) with similar foot angle and you will find you get along better with them.

Does this mean that we shouldn’t have friends with different foot angles? NO it doesn’t. It just means for those real close relationships that you can choose – girlfriend, boss, best friend, etc. – you would get along better and stand a better chance of achieving a long term successful relationship with someone who is within 2-3 minutes of your own foot angle.

Remember also there are different kinds of relationships. Some buddy or girlfriend you see once a week doesn’t have to be as compatible with you as someone you live with or work with every day. Use this data to qualify those kinds of situations.

Make some observations of your own. Look at your own feet angle. Look at the people that you get along with best. What is their foot angle? Look at the people that you definitely don’t like. What is their foot angle. You will discover trends. You might notice that 6 out of 10 people that you really like have a foot angle within 2-3 minutes of yours and that 3 out of 10 people that you don’t like at all have a foot angle within 5-10 minutes from yours.

But foot angle is immediately noticeable. It gives you a quick 80-90% reliable method of sizing up people fast. It also let’s you see through facades and “social” personalities as most people don’t pay attention to feet and don’t try to fake the angle of their feet.

Once you start making observations you can associate with the various foot angles you will be able to predict people with relative accuracy (80-90% right).

Now as a final note I want to say ” Please don’t believe me. Don’t assume what I am telling you is true. Go observe for yourself.”

Look at all of your friends and relatives. Correlate the angles with their personality types. Go to a busy street corner or a mall and start observing these foot angles. A simple test or computation is the percent of perfectly straight feet (both pointing to 12 noon). Count the number of people with straight feet out of every 10 that walk by or every 100.

Do it by sexes. Do it by age groups. Do it by races. You will see some interesting things.

Here are some of my observations after 1000s of observations.

In Los Angeles/Beverly Hills where I made most of my observations, on the average:

1-2 to men out of 10 have straight feet.

2-4 women out of 10 have straight feet.

8-9 out of 10 children under 8-10 have straight feet.

The above was the same for black, white and brown Americans but oddly

5 out of 10 Chinese Americans have straight feet. (didn’t look at sex differences)

In Japan (Tokyo)

7- 8 out of 10 women have straight feet

1-2 out of 10 men have straight feet.

Walking or standing may be different for different people. Walking is a better determination, but how one stands can also be a clue to hidden tendencies if it is greatly different.

If you make any interesting observations about feet, personality theory, or any of this please tell me about them at one of my various blogs or forums.

Feet, Personality Theory, Dating and Relationships (c) 2007 Dating To Relating, Inc.

Posted in Articles, Book Excerpts, Date Women, Meet Women, Relate To Women.

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Mr. L. Rx





Hi, I am MR. L. Rx and I HAVE DONE IT ALL!


















— And LET’S TALK ABOUT QUALITY. Well I don’t kiss and tell, but I have dated and had sexual relationships with women like the following: a woman who was on the cover of “Playboy”; a “hot” actress whom you have probably seen on TV or in the movies; and a woman that was voted “The most beautiful woman in the world” in a national poll. And I had all of these relationships with these 20 and 30 something year old women recently while I was in my fifties.


WHO AM I? Let me introduce myself. I am Mr. L. RX (Why Mr. L. RX? Well, I’d rather remain anonymous. I’m not into being famous. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone, I’d just like to help a few guys out by giving them CORRECT information on women.)


Well, I am 54 years old. and though at 20 I couldn’t even get a girlfriend, I currently have 6 long term (2-5 years) sexual/romantic relationships going with younger women (Ages 22, 25, 26, 27, 30, and 40.) NO I AM NOT A PLAYER. I was married 12 years and never cheated on my wife. If I am in a committed relationship, I don’t cheat. BUT in-between committed relationships, I am looking. And I feel I have the right to date and have sex with as many woman as I want, as long as I am HONEST with them about it and practice safe sex.

IT TOOK ME 50 YEARS but I finally got to understand and become very successful with women.


Teenager 0 dates. Virgin until 19. Lost my virginity to a legal whore in Nevada. Although considered “hot” by most women, once they met me I blew them away. First girlfriend by 20. I was married by 22, but had a miserable marriage and was divorced by 25. BUT….

BY 25 1/2 ? I had learned how to get laid 5 times a week in bars and clubs. Things I learned from these experiences culminated in me becoming a very good lover, and getting married again at 31 to a 19 year old women…. But I was divorced again by 42. BUT…

BY 43 1/2 I had learned how to get 2 dates a day with personal ads. I had over 700 dates in my first year alone. This culminated in me meeting the best sexual partner I had ever had (and I had had quite a few) which resulted in a 7 year relationship, but by 50 this was over too (not because of the sex- it was hot even after we broke up) but…

BY 52 I had learned how to get and maintain long term multiple sexual relationship without lying to anyone. (I usually have about 6-10 younger (19-40) sexual partners that I see once a week or once every other week, or once a month, depending on MY interest level. Most of these relationship I had maintained for years. Most of the relationships I had developed bewteen 50 and 52 have been maintained for 5 years, others 2 or 3 or 4 years.)

NOW at 54, I feel complete in my knowledge, I can meet women anywhere: in a club, on the Internet, in personal ads, through friends, at work, and on the street. If I want, I can close about 90% of the qualified women I meet for long term sexual relationship or marriage. Once married, I am a good honest man that knows how to treat a woman, emotionally and sexually. I am not currently married (though I have had about 4 proposals and 4 girls who would marry me in an instant if I asked)because I won’t settle for anything less than a , beautiful, classy, intelligent and emotionally mature woman, that has a great family and friends, knows what she wants to do with her life exactly, and has many
many things in common with me. (Unfortunately as if this writing, I haven’t found her yet.)

In other words, I have the beginning game, middle game and the end game all down.

AND though there is a lot of good information and good guys (like David DeAngelo, David M., Mystery, etc.) teaching guys stuff in seminars, books, private coaching, etc. They are all missing little pieces of the truth. Their techniques work, but only with a certain kind of woman. “Cocky and Funny”, for example, doesn’t generally work on the classy, intelligent women, that I like. And sure Mystery’s techniques work on bar and club woman (I know his techniques work, because I did almost exactly the same thing in 1978 when I got laid in clubs 5 times a week by “one night stands”.) but bar and club woman again aren’t the classy intelligent woman that I LIKE… .And perhaps you are like me


When I was a young man. I was simply hot. I never chased women. Women chased me. I had experiences that guys typically didn’t have. Girls stopped their cars and tried to pick me up, girls whistled at me. Younger girls who knew me in school, upon turning 18 usually, would confess that they had a crush on me all their lives. Girls would approach me on the beach and tell me I was the hottest guy on the beach…one girl even stopped the elevator mid-floor and told me I wasn’t getting off until I kissed her….

BUT– don’t go anywhere, just because I was HOT doesn’t mean I got women. I just got approached all the time. As SOON AS I OPENED MY MOUTH (or shortly thereafter) I LOST THEM. THEY WOULD TELL ME I WAS NUTS, AND RUN AWAY. I didn’t quite understand it then, but I DO NOW.

SOMEHOW, I managed to get married by 22, to my first girlfriend (She was NUTS too), and had a terrible marriage, and got divorced

When I was 25 (1978) after a failed marriage, I decided to START LEARNING, I hung out in bars 24/7 until I figured out “how to get laid.” It took me 3 months. After 3 months I could go out 7 days a week and get laid 5 of those days by “one nighters” that I liked.

What I learned at this time was that, although I was good looking, that didn’t matter. I became successful by learning what to say to women.

I eventually got married again to a women who was 19 when I was 31. We were married 12 years and had 2 children. When we eventually broke up, I was 42.

Now when I became single again at 42, I was not as good looking as the teenage to 30 year old version of myself. I was still trim and in good physical shape and didn’t quite look my true age, but I was balding and knew I couldn’t compete with a hot 25 year old on sheer looks.

What I soon was to learn, however, is that it doesn’t hurt to have “good looks” but it is not really important. All it gets you is attention. There are other ways to get a women’s attention. MONEY, good conversation, personality and technique are some that come to mind.

What I was soon to learn was that an Older, Balder version of me could get more young women…and keep them… than the Younger, Hotter Version of me ever could.

I DECIDED TO LEARN SOME MORE. I started exploring personal ads, which were big at the time. Within about 3 months again I was routinely going on 2 dates a day (YES A DAY) for about a little over a year. That’s right I had over 700 dates in one year alone. Believe me, it was a part time job. After about 13 months of this, I settled down with one women I met and she became my girlfriend — after about 3 months of dating. I lost interest in all other women and in meeting new women. I had a monogamous relationship with her and was faithful for 7 years to her.

WHEN I BROKE UP WITH HER, (at age 50) I decided to learn the rest of the things I still didn’t know to really master the area. I explored personal ads some more, Internet dating, and meeting people on the streets and through friends.

Within about 3 months again, I learned how to have multiple sexual partners/friends (notice I don’t use the term Girlfriend) without LYING. I have had as many as 10 sexual partners/friends at one time (but I found this a little exhausting) and prefer to have about 6 sexual partners friends and see about 3 or 4 of them a week, using my other nights to continue my search for the ideal /marriage partner.

Though I haven’t found my ideal marriage partner yet, it is because I have become very picky, because I won’t settle for anything less than a beautiful, classy, intelligent and emotionally mature woman, that has a great family and friends, knows what she wants to do with her life exactly, and has many, many things in common with me.

I must say I am as content as a single guy could be. And I am more successful with women now at 54 then I have ever been. (And it is with the same age group that I have always been interested in 18-35) My multiple partners kind of combine into one ideal women, but of course…. in the final analysis… I really am a monogamous man and would rather be married….

But TODAY I am here to help you.

And THAT my friends, is WHO I AM!

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Bios, Mr. L. Rx.

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I am in a new place in my life. In my opinion the material in Dating to Relating can change the entire sexual/romantic landscape of America and the planet. Men need this knowledge!

I feel like I understand women for the first time in my life and they apparently can sense it. The most notable change is that I am completely relaxed in the presence of women, even many women, in any circumstance. This has never been the case at any prior time in my entire life.

Thank you, Mr. L. Rx. I believe you are the world’s preeminent authority on the subjects of dating, romance, and sex. You have changed my life forever. Thank you!


I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have found your book. I am a 35 y/o man, recently divorced and was without a clue. I’d go out and see other me with women and see me getting blown off and I felt like the lowest kind of useless. I decided to do something about it so I found and read Neil Strauss books and programs and had some limited success. I read Mystery’s book and it was informative and helped a little. I read Cocky Funny and it helped more than the others, I actually had a one night stand because of it.

Your book (Dating to Relating) is awesome! It is like someone showed me what I already knew to be true and revealed how to move past the blind spots in my mind. In one week I’ve attracted dozens of women, went on three dates and have one sexual friend! I want to have five steady open sexual relationships with five women that I choose. For the first time in my life it seems completely plausible.

One thing you said that just blew my mind was that women who go out with you are communicating to you that they are interested in having sex with you by the act of going out with you! That has set me so much at ease on my dates. I love how I don’t have to be a clown or the star of the bar to have sex and make it with women. Last night I listened to and held a conversation with two women I barely knew, at one time for over three hours! I did this by following your advice about listening. I studied social science findings regarding flirting and conveying interest and proper respect to those you are speaking to, and it helped solidify what I did not know about social graces. “Such as head nodding, eye contact, and how to show that your listening verbally.” I let my personality come out and become genuinely engaged in “their” conversation.

This worked so well that the girl I was with set “future” with ME, and subtley indicated that her friend would also be interested in having sex with me! I couldn’t believe what she was communicating! If I hadn’t read your book I would not have been listening for this nor would I have taken it seriously. I realized that she had brought her friend out to meet me, so that she could have sex with me too! Women are more wonderful and beautiful than I could ever have imagined them to be.

Thanks again for all your knowledge and insight. I believe that the 40 I spent on your book was most likely the best money I have ever spent in my entire life.


Wow. My mind is totally blown. To kingdom come.


After reading Dating to Relating by Mr. L. Rx an entire lifetime of confusion has lifted off me and I can finally understand what is going on with women and how to relate to and deal with them, and with confidence that I am doing the right thing.


Great book! It works. I never liked doing the “cocky and funny” and PUA stuff. Too phony. Not me. Dating To Relating is the real thing. It allows you to just be yourself. Works way better than that other stuff. Can’t give it enough praise.

I have subscribed to Deangelo’s Interview Series for almost three years now and have listened to advice from over 30 gurus, but Dating To Relating’s advice worked better for me than anything else.

Mr. L. Rx is in a different league than these other gurus. Miles above them in basic knowledge and understanding of how it all works. In fact I was better able to apply things I had learned from other dating Gurus after studying and understanding Dating To Relating.


The book was phenomenal!


Wow I can’t believe it, your book is the BIBLE of dating and relating.
David Deangelo, Mystery and Neil Strauss look like kindergarten teachers compared to you.
This is totally amazing stuff.


Having purchased most of Style’s, Mystery’s, and David D’s stuff, it’s the other types of girls
I am usually dealing with… so this is interesting.


This is life changing material….


You not only helped me get my ex-girlfriend back in three weeks (the things these other guys say don’t bother trying to do – and she is totally digging me more than ever.)


This is not just about dating and relating to women. Your book helped me learn how to relate to my boss, my co-workers and all my friends at a new level. This is totally amazing. If the Pope ever takes a poll I’m voting for you for sainthood!


I applied what you said about “feet angels” and I got rid of my old girlfriend and met the most incredible woman that I am totally compatible with.
Thanks a lot Mr. L. Rx.


I am girl, but I getting all my brothers and guy friends to read your material.
You got it nailed honey.
I want guys to treat me just like you tell them to.


I went out and developed my own technique just like your book taught me. And it is so cool I am being totally me and I am totally comfortable with what I am doing. I’m a little on the short side and balding so I’ve always had a bit of uncomfortableness and shyness when meeting women. But now I don’t have to try to be cocky and funny and other crazy stuff that just wasn’t me. Best of all I’m getting girls left and right. I can’t believe that no one else knows the stuff that you are teaching. My gratitude to you, Mr. L. Rx. You are totally incredible


I didn’t have time to read the whole book when I got it, so I just read the chapter on how to pick up women walking down the street, etc. It’s awesome dude it works. I’ve been trying for years but the girls NEVER call me back or answer the phone. But after doing what you say to do in the chapter, EVERYONE is calling me back and picking up their phone when I call. – THANKS!.


I met a P**** Tease in a club and man your stuff worked just like you said it would.
She was all over me in minutes and told me I was the most interesting guy she had ever met.
She came over to my house and totally seduced me three days later.
WOW man. Thanks!!!



You are amazing and thank you so much you are opening my eyes!!


Awesome Information.


Your book is great. Your stuff really works. The feet thing is amazing.


Wow ! It works, dude.


My Girlfriend loves you Mr. L. Rx. She said to tell you thanks!


(From a female) I read these man books all the time to help me understand men better. Just like you say all the gurus know a little bit about something that works some of the time, but none of them have it all – until you. I have to say you are the first and only guy that really knows what he is talking about. You cover it all from diverse personalities and situations and from dating to relating. And the thing about feet is totally wild but I’ve been looking – its accurate. I’m telling all my male friends about you.


I just finished reading Dating to Relating from A to Z and I must say this is the sanest, most useful technology on getting and getting along with women I have ever scene. Observation, confront, situational gradients, reach and withdraw, …. etc. very astutely applied in the real world. I particularly appreciated the dissertation on the different types of sexual relationships – it truly broaden my viewpoint and liberated me from the mindset monogamy was the only “ethical” choice.


great stuff

Love your approach…it differs from all the other Gurus out there and is NOT purely based only on being THE ALPHA MALE. Always acting this way (being loud et.) is not my style. I don’t feel comfortable acting like that cause it’s not ME.


Thank you for providing such excellent products in the dating and relationships field!

l love it


It’s cool




Your emails have helped me a lot…..
and now my girlfriend is keen to learn from you too


I am really happy to join this group


Thanks all


It is great to go through your materials. They are very helpful indeed.


Thanks for the free mini course your offering me…
its pretty interesting I have learnt some thing from this course


Mine is to appreciate your good and useful lessons. I find them helpful, educative and practicable.
Keep up your good work for the betterment of our relationships.


Thank you for your free service.


Thanks – I am very happy too for all that I have received from your website.


Its working – Thanks its working! I tried and for once my woman thanked me.


I am glad about your teachings and I am happy!.


You are great MR.L.RX


Thank you very much for all the free messages I have been receiving from you.
They have been so very useful to me


You are amazing and thank you so much you are opening my eyes!!


Thank you so very much cos you are really doing a great job.

I’m 18 and I’ve made some of these mistakes myself and realized you are absolutely right.
I have met a few women of the categories you mentioned.
You are the truth man


You got it all right man, the mini-course you sent me really does wonders.
Last night I applied almost 60% of the moves and my girlfriend couldn’t stop smiling.
She actually asked me that, who taught me the moves and I just smiled. Thanks man! Keep sending.

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Dating To Relating – From A To Z


Dating to Relating – from A to Z (A man’s guide to Understanding women)


“How I went from Stupid to Smart in just 50 years” or

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(This is an eBook and is available for download immediately after purchase. CLICK HERE TO ORDER BOUND VERSION If you would like a bound version shipped to you.)


Price: $39.95

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How I Got 700 Dates In One Year


A special instantly downloadable report to get you to JUMP START your love life.

Don’t sit around the house wondering when you will ever date again when within hours you can get started meeting and dating 100s of women in the coming year.


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Posted in Books, For Men.