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Do “Good Guys” Finish Last?


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, a lot of the Dating Gurus, like David DeAngelo, Mystery, Neil Strauss have techniques that make guys into “bad boys”, I think these techniques are disrespectful to women. Do these kinds of techniques work? Can’t you just be a good guy and get women? Or is it true that “good guys finish last?”

Answer: Well, this is a very good question. The truth of the matter is there is no such thing as “women” in the manner that these other gurus talk about it. They talk about women as if they are all the same, when in actuality, there are many different types of women. There are many different personalities among women.

The truth is these techniques do work, but they only work on a certain “personality type” of women. When you use these techniques on all women you will have success with a percentage – usually around ten percent – unless you find a way to place yourself in an environment where this “personality type” congregates.

So, for example, there is a personality type that will tend to go to bars and clubs on a regular basis. So you might have a higher success rate than ten percent – maybe thirty or forty percent if you use a technique that works on these types in a club environment.

Problem is when you are in the bookstore or in class at school, you may find the technique doesn’t work at all or works only one percent of the time. Or if you like a classy, intelligent type of woman, you may find that these types of techniques (which a lot of the gurus teach) don’t work at all.

What works is understanding personality types and having a variety of techniques to handle the different personality types. When I worked bars and clubs years ago, I used four distinctly different strategies on the different personality types that I found there.

Some of these strategies were the exact opposite of the other strategies. The point is all of these strategies worked, but they all worked on different types of women. If I just used one of these strategies, I would have been only successful on my approach one quarter of the time. But by having four different strategies, I got my success ratio up to ninety percent.

The other difficulty is not only the percentage of success; it is the quality of success. For example, say you like the sweet “girl next door” type and the technique you learn only handles the hot man-eater type of girl that you often find in clubs. Then you will be successful, so to speak, but you will not get the type of girl that you want.

This is a “quality” definition for failure not a “quantity” definition. Most of these gurus don’t even address quality failure in any other terms than whether she is physically “hot” or not. But the truth of the matter is guys don’t only want a “hot” girl, they want a “hot” girl that has a personality that they get along with.

And that, my friends, is what we teach at Dating To Relating. We teach you techniques for different personality types and we teach you how to generate your own situational techniques. That is why we have ninety percent success in approaching women rather than ten percent success.

So to answer your question, it is totally possible to get girls by being a “nice guy.” I have been a bad boy and had great success doing so, but personally I got tired of it because I didn’t like the personality type that it attracted.

No one personality type has the corner on beauty or intelligence. There are plenty of “hot” girls that like nice guys. In fact, nice guy techniques are the only techniques that I personally use nowadays and I still close ninety percent of my approaches.

And so can you.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Pick Up Women.

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I Just Want A Sex Partner


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, I am not interested in getting married or having a girlfriend. Quite honestly I just want a sexual partner. What is the best line you can use to get hooked up that way with a girl?

Answer: Now this is a typical question that I get from a number of guys. I sometimes hesitate to answer this question as I do not personally believe in using people, which is what a lot of guys do who just want a sexual relationship.

In fact, most typically, a guy will simply lie to a girl, tell her whatever she wants to hear – I love you, I want to get married someday, etc. – just to get sex.

It is my observation that the idea that guys can’t commit is a fallacy that stems from guys lying to girls just to get sex. In actuality I believe that guys are more inclined to commit to a relationship then women are. It is just that guys need sex so bad, they compromise their integrity and get involved with women they are really not interested in – just to get sex – and that is the reason for the “myth” that guys can’t commit.

Believe me, when a guy is really interested in a girl, he won’t have any problem committing and he will probably want to do it way before she is ready.

But to answer the question honestly I will give you guys a piece of advice that an “older man” gave me when I was about 25. (He was 30.) He told me that he had lied, lied and lied in order to try to get women to give him sex all his life. But in the end he was a miserable failure. Not many women wanted to have sex with him at all. So then one day, he got tired of lying and deceit and just decided to tell the truth. And suddenly he started having success with women.

He would tell them things like: He couldn’t be trusted; he would cheat on them without a doubt; he would lie to them all the time; etc.

And after telling them all this they would still have sex with him. Out of his experiences, he evolved a maxim: The best lie is the truth.

This is the maxim that he taught me when I was 25. When I got divorced shortly afterwards, I remembered the maxim and never lied to anyone. I always told the truth and never had any problem getting someone to accept me for just a sexual relationship.

Why is that? Why does this maxim work?

Well no one likes being lied to and manipulated. And when you attempt to do that, it is either obvious you are lying ( this is true for most people, hence the poor success rate with lies) or you get caught sooner or later and dumped.

But when you tell the truth you will discover that yes, you will loose a few women who aren’t interested in the same thing you are, but you will also discover that there are plenty of women, who are interested in the same thing as you.

A relationship built on truth will not be harmful to either party and will be a much better experience then trying to trick some poor girl into a sexual relationship by lying to her and telling her you love her and are interested in marriage when you aren’t.

So the moral to this story and the answer to your question is that the “best line” is the truth. Tell women exactly what you are looking for and you will stand your best chance for success.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Seduce Women.

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I Don’t Meet All Of Her Needs


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, this girl I have been dating says she is really attracted to me physically, but she broke up with me because I don’t meet all of her needs. I don’t understand this and she won’t explain it any further. What’s going on?

Answer: There are many types of attraction vectors involved in sexual relationships. Especially for women, it is not all about what you look like or sex.

For example, sexual attraction can be two-way mutual sex attraction, or a one way physical attraction with another dynamic attraction factor (money, emotion, power, status, political, mental stimulation, etc.) replacing or in addition to physical attraction on the other’s part.

What this girl is telling you is that physical attraction is not enough for her to get involved in a long term sexual relationship with you.

I don’t know much about your situation but perhaps she is looking for an economic attraction. Some women only get involved with a boyfriend who they are attracted to and who has money enough to take care of them. Some women don’t even care if a man is physically attractive if he has money. We usually call these latter kind of women “gold diggers.”

Or it could be she is looking for an emotional attraction in addition to a physical attraction. Emotional attraction can be either one-way or mutual and is usually the most compelling factor in determining relationships for both men and women. (Although men are attracted to women for other factors, usually physical, emotional factors tend to be the deal clinchers.)

Emotionally, for example, we will often become attracted to a person who we know is really attracted to us because we know they will be super nice to us and treat us right. Similarly we are often attracted to people who make us feel cool, wanted, desirable, etc.

Whether this feeling is generated internally (the hot girl who does absolutely nothing for you but go out and look hot in front of all your friends thereby making you look cool and desirable to others) or externally (the not so hot girl who tells you over and over again how good looking, etc. you are), we all like relating to people who make us feel good about ourselves.

Other emotional attraction vectors influencing relationships involve friendship, compatibility, good communication, emotional support, and mental stimulation among others.

I don’t have time to go over all of these factors here, but you should realize that it is not all about looks for women. If you want to attempt to rescue the relationship then look into some of these other areas where you may be coming up short and see if you can make any corrections.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Understanding Women.

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Recently Divorced


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, I am a recently divorced man, 42 years old. I was married to one woman for 15 years. How do I get back in the swing of things? I haven’t dated in a very long time.

Answer: Good question. There are several things you can do to get back into the swing of things. And it starts with observation.

Go somewhere where men and women are dating. Watch a few couples. See how they are acting. See how the men dress. Listen to the topics that are being talked about. Listen to whether the women are responding positively or negatively to the men they are with.

Observe the women. See what the women you are attracted to respond to and don’t respond to. In the end, if you are a careful observer you can learn what women you are attracted to like and don’t like in men’s behavior. Make sure you notice women’s personality. Notice what the personalities you like respond to.

Most importantly go where there are lots of women and start interacting with them on any level you can. You don’t have to hit up on them to interact with them.

Interact with them on a safe level. Don’t do anything that will make you get scared and want to run away. Ask them for the time. Ask them for directions. Ask them their opinions on things, but don’t ask them for a date, or to dance if that is going to make you feel rejected if they say no.

Go to a night club for example and ask a few women for help. Tell them you are recently divorced and you have no clue on how to meet women and how to act and ask them for their advice.

In your spare time, read advice from dating gurus such as myself, but most importantly constantly and continually interact with women. When I was recently divorced, I found that internet and personal ads were a very easy way to meet women. In fact, I went out on 700 dates in one year after I got divorced by using internet and personal ad dating sites.

When you meet women in any situation – talk, talk, talk. Ask questions, ask questions, ask questions. Women will help you if you just ask. Don’t make “getting a girl friend” your immediate target. Make “learning about women so you don’t make the same mistakes” your immediate target.

I spent a whole year meeting women and asking questions and learning before I settled down with one woman. It was perhaps the best single thing I have ever done.

If you do the above things you will gradually not only get back into the swing of things, but after a few months you will become an “old pro.”

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Talk To Women.

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Creating A Relationship


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, my girlfriend says I am not creating our relationship. I love her and all but I have no clue what she is talking about. Can you help me understand this?

Answer: When you first meet a girl and are attracted to her – you are trying to establish a relationship – whether it is just for a fling (sexual fun), ongoing friendship only (companionship and sexual fun) or something more serious – like all of the above plus living together and sharing finances and raising children together.

You are hoping she will be attracted to you too, and then that will lead to friendly fun and, in most cases, what you really want and need from a woman – sexual fun. And if this happens, you’ll have a sexual relationship.

Now remember, there is no static state in any relationship. Relationships either get better (you are relating more and having more fun or producing more desired products – happiness, contentment, personal goals, children, sex, etc.) or they get worse (you are relating less, seeing each other less, having less fun, having less sex, producing less products together.)

So when a woman is talking about creating a relationship, she is talking about making a relationship better – more fun, more products, more togetherness, etc. And when you don’t create a relationship the opposite happens – whether you like it or not – and there will be less fun, less togetherness, less products, etc.

So what is creating a relationship? Creating a relationship is doing those things which increase attraction (both physical and/or mental/spiritual), communication, understanding, mutual survival, agreements between you, and the number and or quality of the products you produce together.

When you are not creating a relationship the attraction decreases (physical and/or mental/spiritual), the communication worsens, the understanding and mutual survival lessens, the agreements between you lessen and/or are broken, and the number and quality of products you produce together go down.

So, let’s translate this into actions you can do.

Well, you probably already know how to create a relationship. Most guys do it when they are romancing the girl to get her. They bring her flowers, open the door for her, assure her she looks nice (when she is worried about it), listen to her gossip even though it bores them out of their mind. They go to the mall with her when they really hate shopping. They go to chick movies with her now and again. Get it guys? You know what I am talking about, creating is all those things you do to get the girl!

Now the problem is most guys do all kinds of things they don’t like just to get the girl. So, after they get her and feel comfortable with their position, they stop doing all those things that they don’t like.

Problem is guys, that is the death toll for the relationship.

Whatever you did to get the girl you have to do more of it, more frequently, and in new and better ways to create the relationship and keep her.

And if your girl is complaining that you are not creating the relationship any more, I will bet you anything you are not doing the things you did to get her anymore.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Get A Girlfriend, Newspaper Column.

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Dating And Relating Technologies


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, you talk about your advice being a technology rather than a strategy. What is the difference and why is it important at all?

Answer: A strategy is detailed instructions on how to do something or how to approach something that if you employ (even without fully understanding it) will work a certain percentage of times.

A technology is a full understanding on all the principles of an area so that one can master the area. A technology will generate dozens of strategies each of which works under certain circumstances.

Why does anyone need a technology instead of a strategy and who would be the kind of person that would want a technology rather than a strategy?

Well, there are several reasons why a person might prefer a technology to a strategy.

1) If you are just the kind of person who wants to master an area, you would prefer a technology to a strategy.

2) If you are tired of the low yield that dating strategies produce and would prefer to close 80-90% of any of the women you meet in any situation rather than 10% of the women that you meet in general circumstances you would prefer a technology to a strategy. (Actually, some strategies – some that I give you in my writings – can yield as much as 80-100% results – if you apply them under certain specific conditions and with certain specific personality types. The problem is these same strategies will not work at all – 0% results – under other conditions and with other personality types- and this is not what most gurus will tell you about their own strategies.)

3) If the strategies that you have been exposed to require you to do and say things that just don’t feet right, that just aren’t you, then you would prefer a technology to a strategy. A technology will allow you to generate your own strategy that works for you that you are completely comfortable with doing.

After observing the “Dating Guru” scene for many years and buying many of these products myself to sharpen my own game, I realized that none of these guys had any technology, only strategy. Moreover, when I looked at there results, there statistics were worse than mine.

I learned a lot from these typical “dating gurus.” After all, anything anyone has to say on the subject is applicable to certain situations and I find that valuable. I certainly have not done everything and there are certainly many clever guys other than me who have come up with clever strategies for meeting and dating women.

So, all of these guys are good guys in my opinion. They are ALL trying to help their fellow man. But there is a problem out there. There are not TECHNOLOGIES only strategies, and that is why I write.

Gurus can come up with a strategy that works from trial and error, word of mouth, watching other guys, etc. But a technology of dating and relating is a way to develop many strategies from theory and observation that are applicable across a wide variety of situations and personality types – any situation, any personality type, that you choose. It is a way to adjust and correct with changing times, situations, needs, etc.

Most importantly, a technology is a way to get what you want. A strategy sometimes will leave you high and dry in that department.

I hope that clarifies it for you.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Relate To Women.

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Best Places To Meet Women


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: How and where are the best ways and places for a single guy to meet women?

Answer: A lot of guys ask me where is the best place to meet girls, or to find dates?

The answer is that once you are skilled, it is anywhere, any time, any place.

But for those who aren’t quite that skilled and for those who are very particular and are looking for a certain kind of girl, a certain age of girl, a certain type of girl, etc. this question takes on much more importance.

I use to think (like a lot of guys do) that finding dates was the hardest thing in the world to do, but after having gone on 700 dates in one year, I now think it is one of the easier things to do. The harder question to answer, I believe, is how do you find the right girl for you?

But the question today is how and where to find dates, so the following are some good places to meet women.

Clubs and social groups – Now this is probably one of the better ways to meet women. It has a couple of advantages built in. By choosing the right club or group you can pre-qualify a woman on interests and compatibility.

Dating Clubs and Dating counselors – I have used dating clubs, dating services, and dating counselors – the services that give you personal hand picked dates as opposed to internet dating sites.

Speed Dating – This can be a fairly good way to meet people. It is quick and to the point. Of course, it depends on the membership and who is sponsoring it. But whenever you can meet a lot of people quickly it is a good idea as it is both cost and time effective.

Friends – Working your friends and even associates for leads can be very worthwhile. It is free and usually doesn’t take long. Most of the leads I have gotten this way have been superior to internet, classifieds, and dating clubs. Since it is free it is certainly worth giving it a shot. Just tell your friends what you are looking for and ask them if they know anyone who is single and would possibly be interested.

Online dating sites – for people on the go and who have a busy life style, Internet dating has certain advantages. The main one being that you can check out tons of people in a short period of time. The quality factor I find to be low with internet dating, however, as most people tend to present their best side by exaggerating or lying about their personality, their age, and their looks. This is especially true for the over 35 years old crowd.

Online and print classified and personal ads – Classified ads whether online or not, is equal to or better than online dating sites as a way to meet women. However, again it depends on the service you subscribe to.

Social community sites – MySpace, Facebook and all the new community sites also offer a source of free internet dating. You can check out people’s profiles and place classified ads.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Meet Women, Newspaper Column.

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How To Prospect For Women


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: I have the worse luck finding women who are good prospects for relationships. I have no trouble meeting women but they all seem to have boyfriends, or they are a little nuts, or something else is wrong. How do you find good prospects for relationships?

Answer: Good question. Now most guys naturally do what they think is prospecting by asking: Is she single? Is she cute?

Most guys know to find out the answers to those two questions before they waste time and energy on courtship. But that is really not prospecting. It is just sorting out the leads (someone you should to talk to) from those you shouldn’t bother to talk to.

Now once you do your basic sort and decide which girls you should talk to, this is where prospecting really begins.

How does she feel about relationships? What is she looking for? What kind of relationship is she looking for? What kind of guy is she looking for? What does she expect from a guy in a relationship? Is she affectionate? Does she like to cuddle at night? Does she like sex? How often? Does she want children? How many? Is she smart? How smart? Is she educated? How educated? What kind of career does she want? How important is it to her? What is more important to her family or career? What is more important to her? Her husband or her friends? Her children or her husband? Her mother or her husband? What is her family like? How does she handle her family? Is she still a little girl afraid to stand up to mom, dad, aunt and uncle? Or has she grown up and able to command respect from her elders?

There are hundreds of more questions. The list just goes on and on.

But in order to figure out if someone is a good prospect for you, you have to ask questions. You can qualify a woman as a prospect in two minutes ( or two dates, or two months ) or waste a lot of time on her by going into your sales pitch just to find out later she wasn’t a prospect after all. (In some cases, that might be 2 or 3 years of dating to find out what you could have found out in two months of intense qualifying in the beginning.)

Not only do you qualify when you first meet a woman, as you move along in relationships, you have to continually qualify women especially as you move from level to level of relationship.

The girl who is a hot lover, may make a lousy girlfriend. The girl who was an excellent see-you-three-times-a-week girlfriend may make a terrible “roommate” when you finally chose to live together. The girl who was a good “roommate” or living together partner, may make a crummy wife and mother.

Every type of relationship has its own set of unique qualifying questions and answers.

Every guy has his own unique set of questions and answers for each type of relationship.

So you see, when you are 18, “Is she cute?” and “Does she have a boyfriend?” may seem to be the only two questions you need answered. But unless you are extraordinarily lucky, it won’t be enough. And it is NOT qualifying or defining a prospect. It is only defining a lead.

Ask a lot of questions. It is the only way you determine if a woman is right for you.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Qualify Women.

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Creating “Future” When Meeting Women


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, I have no trouble walking up to women and talking to them, but I never seem to get anywhere. I don’t ever get any dates. Worse yet, I don’t know if I am even trying to get a date. Actually, I am waiting for the girl to suggest that we do something together. What am I doing wrong?

Answer: Sounds like you are not establishing future. Future is an interesting but very overlooked dating and relating concept. Future is the essence of a relationship. It is the “why” in “Why we have a relationship.”

If we didn’t care about future, our dating and love life would be different.

We would simply wake up in the morning, go about our life and randomly hook up with someone for some romantic pleasure, then go our merry ways respectively.

While there are a few people who do live their lives this way, most of us care about future. We want to hook up with someone romantically that we can also hook up with in the future over and over again.

Most of us are concerned with future, and yes, it is the driving force behind the concept of a relationship, yet it is seldom talked about and there is little education on this topic with respect to dating and relationships.

So let’s break the mold and start addressing it. Because, understanding and creating “future” makes meeting women, attracting women, and relating to women much less difficult.

All of these activities start, survive and end on the concept of future. But it is key to remember that it is not just future alone, it is “future” mixed with acceptable activity in the future.

If you don’t have “creating a future” as a target in mind when you first meet a woman, it can be a mistake. You can randomly talk to a woman, establish no future, then just walk away when the conversation is over. This would be a mistake and you would leave with some sort of odd feeling of “I wonder if I should have said…” or “I wonder if I should have asked her…”

When you are trying to meet women, make your job easier. Have some attention on future and a goal to walk away with an agreement to contact each other again in the future for some reason.

The most obvious way to establish future is to ask a girl out on a date. But when it comes to strangers walking down the street, well it might work on “not-so-hot-chicks” but it definitely does not work on “really hot chicks” as they get asked out about 15 times a day every day. They also get tired of guys just being interested in them for their body.

So with hot girls the goal is to establish future without seeming like you are only interested in their body. The best way to do this is to engage them in some sort of conversation, find an area of mutual interest, then find something they are really interested in that you know, and say you will email them or call them with some information on it.

Since you are not focusing on how “hot” and sexy they are, they will most always accept and/or return your call or email.

Each time you call or email them create more future.

This is how you will end up with a date.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Meet Women, Newspaper Column.

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Our Relationship Is Drifting Apart


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: I’ve read some of your works on relationships. I use to have a good relationship but it seems we are just drifting apart. No cheating or anything like that, but we seem to be no longer interested in the same things. How do you keep a relationship together under such circumstances?

Answer: Now the thing is, as you get through the first stage of attracting the girl, there comes a point where you start working together as a team pursuing mutual goals – house, car, boat, vacations, kids, etc. The thing you have to remember about this is that the process of working together as a team is more important than the things you obtain as a team. Teamwork is like “glue” that holds a couple together.

Sometimes when a couple achieves some of the goals that are the objects of their teamwork, they forget to replace those goals with new ones. Sooner or later if you don’t replace old goals with new ones you run out of things to work together on.

So often a couple gets engaged, gets married, has children, gets a nice house, gets a nice car and then stop setting goals and their teamwork disappears.

Sometimes it doesn’t even go that far. Sometimes they both have a simple goal like moving in together. They do that and then stop creating team projects. Like the need to continue to do the things you did to attract her, working together to achieve goals and solve problems is the expanded foundation of a relationship. As long as you keep working together as a team and setting new goals to accomplish, you will continue to create a healthy satisfying relationship.

Goals don’t always have to be mutual goals. Sometimes a couple helps each other on personal goals. They work together as a team to get her to lose 10 pounds. They work together as a team to get him a better job.

Doing that creates the relationship in a healthy manner. Telling your girl “you’d better lose ten pounds or I am out of here” doesn’t. Telling the guy he’d “better get a better job” or you are gone doesn’t create a relationship either. These kinds of attitudes make you “enemies” or “opponents” rather than teammates.

Mutual goals are common “opponents” and make you teammates fighting against your obstacles to achieving your goals.

I can go on and on and on, on this topic, but I think you get the point. Continually setting goals and working on those goals as a team helps to create a relationship. Stop doing this and the relationship will start falling apart or drifting away.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Relate To Women.

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