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How Guys “Screw Up” A Good Relationship


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx , what are the mistakes the guys typically make to screw up a healthy relationship?

Answer: Well here are five of the most common basic mistakes.

1) Cheating.
2) Stopping creating the romance that they created to win the girl in the first place.
3) Not continually creating a common opponent to fight as teammates.
4) Not continuing to monitor the goals and purposes of the team and make sure that they are still in unison.
5) Not making sure she continues to do all of the above too.

Now to create a relationship with a willing partner who wants the same thing as you do, all you have to do is continue to create romance, continue to be teammates against a common opponent (and not turn on each other for lack of a “real opponent”), continue to stay in communication with each other as you grow and change (to create staying “on the same page”), continue to be teammates and not become the enemy (by cheating or some such thing) and finally make sure your partner continues to do all of these things too.

1) Cheating – When you cheat, you become the enemy. You are no longer working as team mates for the same thing. You have a hidden agenda and you are not working for the best interest of the team.

2) A lot of guys make the mistake of stopping to romance the girl. When they consider her a teammate they feel they no longer have to “win her over” or romance her. They feel they have “got” her. This is a big mistake.

All those things you did to impress her and get her, worked. These were the things that created “attraction” towards you. Now that you have secured this agreement for her to be your girlfriend or wife and enter into this new game of “teammates” it doesn’t mean that the old game is over. And if you don’t continue to do the things which cause attraction, you will lose her.

3) Now once you move from the stage of a relationship where you are trying to win the girl over, you enter a stage where you are teammates mostly (but remember still keep doing those things to cause the girl to be continually attracted to you)

In the “teammate ” stage you are in agreement. You are a couple and you are approaching the world together as a team. Now, depending on your type of relationship agreement, that can be anything from just creating mutual pleasure together (like sex, or hanging out) to combining your finances and taking on the world financially to improve your mutual lot, to deciding to take on “having kids” and raising them to the standards that you both agree on.

Continually setting goals and working on those goals as a team helps to create a relationship. Stop doing this and the relationship will start falling apart.

4) Now to continually monitor these goals you set as a team, this means communication. You have to talk to your partner and continually monitor where they are at with respect to your mutual and their and your personal goals. People change and grow. You can’t assume the girl you married 3 years ago is the same girl today. You can’t assume the things that she considered important and wanted to work on with you 3 years ago, 1 year ago, even 6 months ago are still the goals she has today.

Communicate! Talk! Listen! You have to continually find out where you are at. If you keep communication in then you wont’ have any surprise. If you assume she is the same (when she isn’t) then you will be surprised one day when you exclaim “I don’t know who you are anymore” as she walks out the door or cheats on you.

5) Finally, you have to get your girl to do all of these things too. One person creating a relationship is better than none, but two people creating a relationship is a cinch for success.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Relate To Women.

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Using “Gradients” To Approach Women


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, you talk about using “gradients” a lot in your writings. Can you give me an example of how to use gradients to approach a woman?

Answer: Yes, here is an example:

I use to feel uncomfortable approaching women. I felt like walking up to an attractive woman and saying “Wow, are you hot or what?” or “Will you marry me?” or “I’m in love.” Or “Hey, I just saw you over there and I’m really attracted to you.”

Now before I really looked at it I thought the sequence of approach was something like this:

1) First step – You have to approach the girl or she is gone forever and you lose.

2) Second step – You have to tell her you are attracted to her or you won’t be able to create the chance of seeing her again.

Problem is I either couldn’t bring myself to do it, too shy, too insecure about my self, or I got drunk and did it and got shot down 90% of the time. So after a while, I would just let the opportunity pass.

One day I finally sat down and applied gradients to the situation. I figured out that the real problem was I was uncomfortable with telling a hot girl exactly how much I liked her because I didn’t want to face the rejection (especially in front of other people) if she responded negatively. Then I figured out a way that I didn’t have to say these higher gradient things (such as “I love you” or “you are so hot”) on the approach.

So let’s look at the sequence of events in this situation which added some gradient steps between 1 and 2 above.

1) First step – You have to approach the girl or she is gone forever and you lose.

2) Second step – You have to say something to her or someway attempt to engage her in a conversation as she probably won’t do it herself.

3) Third step – Say something neutral that will not embarrass you or be obvious to people around that you are hitting on her.

4) Watch her response – does she try to keep the conversation going?

5) If she doesn’t, let her go – no harm no foul – nothing to be embarrassed about after all you just asked her for the time. But if she keeps the conversation going and appears to be interested in doing so go to next step.

6) Keep the conversation going myself. At some point, add a slight “flirt” and see how she responds – something like “Wow, you have really pretty eyes.”

7) If the slight flirt doesn’t push her away, take it to the next level. Tell her she is an interesting person and you would like to talk to her some more but you have to go. Get her phone number and/or email.

8) You have achieved step 2 (letting her know you are attracted to her)in the first example above because women are used to subtle communications, and she now knows you are interested in her and thinks you are really cool because you did it in normal way (not the usual guy way – “Wow, you are so beautiful!”)

With this one observation I worked out a gradient strategy that forever handled my uncomfortable feelings and shyness. My shyness was really about me not wanting to look stupid by getting shot down by some girl in front of other people. When I used a gradient approach it eliminated what I was really afraid of – looking stupid by putting my heart on my sleeve and having some girl stomp all over it.

So my best pick up line became and still is today, guys, “Hi!”

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Approach Women, Newspaper Column.

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Mistakes Guys Make In A Relationship


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: What are some of the mistakes guys make trying to create a relationship?

Answer: When we talk about CREATING a relationship, we are talking about making a relationship better – more fun, more products, more togetherness, etc. And when you DON’T create a relationship the opposite happens – whether you like it or not – and there will be less fun, less togetherness, less products, etc.

NOW, selecting the right person to establish a relationship with has a lot to do with it. Because you can unfortunately get with the wrong person who will not CREATE the relationship or try to make it any better. But qualifying a person for a relationship is another technology and I address that in other places, and falls more under DATING technology than RELATING technology.

All of this actually goes back to INTEGRITY and QUALIFYING. When DATING – Never, never, NEVER do things that you really DON’T want to do. If you don’t like giving a girl flowers – DON’T – find a girl who doesn’t like flowers. If you don’t like opening car doors for a woman and being a gentleman, then don’t be one. FIND a girl who is liberated and doesn’t want a man to do that.

If your idea of romance that you can CREATE is going camping and fishing, then find a girl who thinks that is ROMANTIC too.

Believe it or not, guys, there is a girl who is just right for you. I know because I am the guy who went out on 700 dates in a year and talked to an awful lot of women. YOU don’t have to compromise your integrity to get a relationship with a woman.

SO the first mistake here on CREATING relationships with women is NOT FINDING the right woman for you in the first place.

The second mistake is to compromise your integrity and start doing things “to get the woman” that you aren’t going to be able to continue to do AFTER you get her.

The third mistake is to STOP doing the things which got you the girl in the first place. WHATEVER got you the girl, will continue to get you the girl (with a few exceptions I won’t get in to now). But you are going to have to be a little creative and figure out NEW ways to do it so it doesn’t become routine and boring.

SO, if you went dancing with the girl once a week when you were courting her (and she loved it) continue to go dancing with her once a week when you are married, even when you have children – hire a baby sitter. Romance your wife. But you may need to vary it – dance with her after a romantic dinner at home. Take her to new and exciting dance places. Take dance lessons with her. Get the idea.

There are probably dozens of little things (or big things) like this you did to get her. CONTINUE to do them. Do them better. Find new ways of doing them. And find new ways to attract her. You are going to have to do this continuously, and if you want to keep her for the rest of your life, then you are going to have to do this for the rest of your life.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Date Women, Newspaper Column.

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Dating Advice For Women


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, I am a woman and was wondering if you ever give advice to women.

Answer: Yes, I do. I give advice to my daughters and women friends all the time. Here are what I believe to be “No Brainers”. If you consider yourself an upbeat classy woman and you are looking for the same in a man, then if a man has or does any of the following, DROP HIM LIKE A ROCK. He is NOT and never will be classy.

a) If a man ever hits you or slaps you or even threatens you in a rough way – leave him immediately.

b) If a man is over 20 years old, living in the USA and he doesn’t have a car – drop him like a hot potato. Men are supposed to be the providers. If he can’t even provide for himself, he is not much of a man.

c) If a man tries to move into YOUR apartment because he doesn’t have a job or a place to stay – drop him immediately. Again, men are supposed to be the providers. Don’t ever support a man. It may seem cool for a while but in the long run you will regret it.

d) If a man plays with you like you are one of his buddies – drop him instantly. If he can’t make the distinction between men and women, he is a real idiot.

e) If a man doesn’t have any men friends or his men friends are a bunch of a**holes – drop him immediately. There is a reason men (or good men) don’t like him.

f) If a guy is jealous or possessive for no reason – drop him NOW! When people are jealous or paranoid for no reason at all, they are projecting their own moral code on you. They are saying, “If I were in that situation I would be cheating on her, so I know she is cheating on me.” Want to know if I guy would ever cheat on you? This is your biggest clue.

g) If a guy wants a committed relationship after one date – run for the hills!!! This guy is NUTS and will soon turn possessive. And even if he is not acting like it now, you’ll find out the hard way sooner or later if you continue with him.

h) If a guy walks up to you on the street and tells you how hot you are – well just mosey on away…then run for the hills!

i) And of course, if he is married or in a relationship DROP him the minute you find out. This is the biggest no brainer of all. If he cheats on her, he WILL cheat on you. Don’t buy into his sad story of how bad she treats him and what a great guy he is. He is a liar and a cheat. It is all bulls**t. Don’t find out the hard way. Just drop him.

If you want to learn how to spot and pick out a guy whose personality is 80-90 percent compatible with yours, read my article entitled, “Feet, Personality Theory, Dating and Relationships”. You’ll find it free on the internet and you’ll be glad you did!

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Dating/Relating For Women, Newspaper Column.

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How To Create A Better Relationship


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: How can I create a better relationship with my girlfriend?

Answer: Well, if you want a better relationship – here is the first rule.

Relationships are created and take continual active work to improve them. A relationship either gets better or worse, there is no static state in relationships – they either get better or worse.

If you create them, they get better. If you stop creating them, they get worse. It’s that simple. And it applies to ALL relationships – work, girlfriend, kids, buddies.

Now my observation is that MOST women already know this and MOST men either DON’T know it, or if they do, they don’t practice it.

So then exactly WHAT are we talking about when we talk about “RELATIONSHIPS” and “CREATE”?

When we talk about CREATING a relationship, we are talking about making a relationship better – more fun, more products, more togetherness, etc. And when you DON’T create a relationship the opposite happens – whether you like it or not – and there will be less fun, less togetherness, less products, etc.

NOW, selecting the right person to establish a relationship with has a lot to do with it. Because you can unfortunately get with the wrong person who will not CREATE the relationship or try to make it any better. But qualifying a person for a relationship is another technology and I address that in other places, and falls more under DATING technology than RELATING technology. If you are in a relationship (even if it is with someone you probably shouldn’t have gotten with in the first place) you are going to first have to try to CREATE your way out of the bad relationship before you give up on it and move on.


Am I being moralistic here? No, I am being practical. If you got yourself into a mess, you need to learn how to do every thing right before you leave and move on, OR ELSE you will find yourself in a situation where you are NOT CREATING with the right person and then THEY WILL DUMP YOU.

So what is CREATING a relationship? CREATING a relationship is doing those things which increase attraction (both physical and mental/spiritual), communication, understanding, mutual survival, agreements between you, and the number and or quality of the products you produce together.

When you are NOT creating a relationship, the attraction decreases (physical and/or mental/spiritual), the communication worsens, the understanding and mutual survival lessens, the agreements between you lessen and/or are broken, and the number and quality of products you produce together go down.

SO Let’s translate this into actions you can do.

Well, you probably already know how to CREATE a relationship. Most guys do it when they are romancing the girl to get her. They bring her flowers, open the door for her, assure her she looks nice (when she is worried about it), listen to her gossip even though it bores them out of their mind, They go to the mall with her when they really hate shopping. They go to chick movies with her now and again. GET IT, GUYS? You know what I am talking about – CREATING is ALL those things you do to GET THE GIRL!

Now the problem is most guys do all kinds of things they DON’T like just to get the girl, so after they get her and feel comfortable in their position – THEY STOP doing all those things that they don’t like.

PROBLEM IS, GUYS, that is the death toll for the relationship.

WHATEVER you did to GET THE GIRL you have to do MORE OF IT, more frequently, and in new and better ways to CREATE the relationship and KEEP her.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Understanding Women.

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When To Make The “Move”


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: What about making “the move”? After the first date, when is the best time to make “the move”?

Answer: There is no universal best time. Each woman is different. But if you listen and observe, you will know when the time is right. Women will tell you or show you.

I’ve gone out with women who have overtly asked me to make out with them on the first date. I’ve gone out with women who have just had that “look” that told me I should kiss them – right now.

I’ve gone out with women that would only give me a hand shake on the first date. But when I asked them out for a second, a third, a fourth date, they always said yes. That tells me something. It tells me they are interested in me but just very conservative.

Usually with this kind of woman, by the third or fourth date, I start getting a little hug and a cheek kiss, but more importantly the women usually start talking about sex and asking me how I like this or that sexually and sort of qualifying me on the subject of sex.

When they start talking about sex, this is a big clue. So the next date, I usually give them a choice. I say to these very polite and restrained women, “Would you like to go to dinner and a movie again or do you want to just hang out at home and relax, cuddle and watch some TV?”

You see, when they start talking about sex, I know despite their rather conservative behavior, that they are ready for it. So I give them a choice just to confirm my suspicions. When they choose to stay at home (and they always do), I know it is time to take it to the next level.

All the dates after the first date and before being intimate are all actually very similar. Some women will do on date fifteen what other women will do on date two. Some women just need more time to get comfortable with you.

They feel that it takes a long time to get to really know a man. So they proceed more cautiously. If you ask a woman questions about dating while you are getting to know her, she will usually reveal her own dating philosophy. Then you will know how to proceed.

Some women will even tell you that they want the guy to take charge and set the pace. Other women want to be in control and need respect from a guy. Some women want a guy to try even though they will constantly shut him down until they are ready. The fact that the guy tries makes them feel good and desired.

Other women don’t like guys to try too much at all. They give you little signals and they want you to respect and respond to the signals they give. Other women like to be aggressive. Still others like shy guys.

There is no one right time for a guy to make his move. If you simply talk to women, ask questions and listen to the answers, you will know when to make your move and be right most of the time.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Newspaper Column, Seduce Women.

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Best Strategy For Second And Third Dates


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, what kind of mistakes have you made on dates that lost you women? What is the best strategy to use when going on second and third dates, etc.

Answer: I have made plenty of mistakes. There is no one right way for a guy to behave with a woman. But if you use a strategy you will only be right 10-30 percent of the time. If you simply talk to women, ask questions and listen to the answers, they will tell you where they are at about things and what to do to get them. If you approach it this way, you can be right 70-90 percent of the time.

I close about 90 percent of the women I meet on a first date for a second date. And when I get a second date, it is a done deal. A relationship is mine if I want it.

I have made plenty of mistakes over the years however. But usually the ones I lose are the oddball crazy ones. The ones that don’t fit any pattern that I have seen before, but are none-the-less crazy.

For example, I have lost women on dates 2-5 by not being sexually aggressive enough. This usually happened when women were giving me mixed signals. Telling me either verbally or with body language that they didn’t want to have sex yet, then ending things later complaining that I wasn’t aggressive enough.

I have also lost women on dates 2-5 by being too aloof. Usually hot women like it when I am aloof and not chasing after them. I never, never, never tell a woman she is “Hot” on the first date or even for a few dates after that. I might only begin to tell her after we are having sex, how hot I think she is. But occasionally you get a woman who is “hot” with very low self esteem and she needs that attention from guys that most hot women hate. I lose them because they are not confident enough in themselves to chase after me.

Losing the crazy ones is not a big deal to me, however. In fact, I prefer it.

But, if you are a little crazy yourself, you might like that type of girl. So when you get mixed signals or suspect that there may be some deeper insecurity issues or low self esteem going on with a girl that she is not revealing, be a little more observant. Expect the unexpected.

If I had been a little more observant, I probably wouldn’t have lost the crazy ones either.

And finally remember your sex gradients. I’ve talked about them before.

Remember that “Negative Sex talk” (I don’t like it when guys do this and guys do that”, “You can’t have sex with me, yet,” etc.) is the fist gradient of sexual interest. Positive sex talk is the next gradient.

The physical contact gradients come after those. Light touches with the hands while talking, holding hands, kissing, making out, petting, heavy petting, intercourse.

So when a girl is not touching you or kissing you, don’t necessarily give up on her. Talk to her. If she brings up “negative sex talk” or “positive sex talk” on her own, she is interested in you. But don’t you be the one to bring it up or she might go into “Negative sex talk” as a reaction not as a flirt. Listen to her and see what she originates. Once she brings it up either positive or negative, join in.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Date Women, Newspaper Column.

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I Never Seem To Pass Inspection


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, I am looking for a girlfriend. I have no problem meeting women, but I always feel that they are checking me out on the first few dates, and I never seem to pass inspection. I never seem to get to the sexual stage. What do you recommend?

Answer: Well, first of all, when you are looking for a girlfriend, remember that immediate sexual gratification is not the most important thing to be considering. Sex is part of a good boyfriend/girlfriend relationship but compatibility, personality, communication and respect are by far more important issues.

Girls know that. That is why most of them won’t enter into a quick sexual relationship with a guy they are considering for a boyfriend. They want to check him out first and make sure he has acceptable qualities. Some women take longer to check you out than others. Hence, some will sleep with you after a few dates, while others it takes a few months.

If you do the wrong things during this dating “check out” stage, then they will never sleep with you. They might not even kiss you during those first dates…Horrors!

If you have gotten past that all important first date and the girl agrees to go out with you again, then plain and simple she is interested in you and you have a chance at a relationship – provided you don’t blow it from that point on.

So what do you do during this “check out” stage to end up with a girlfriend? How do you not “blow it?” Well, the easiest way to answer that question is that you do the same thing that they do. Check them out and see if you really want to get involved with them or not. And most importantly communicate that that is what you are doing to them while you are doing it.

Listen to a woman. Check her out. Ask her questions. Women love to talk. They’ll tell you everything you need to know if you just listen and ask questions. The mistake is to focus on sex and start telling her things to impress her, so she will want to have sex with you.

Qualify the woman. Do you really like her? Do you want to spend time with her? What would she be like if you did spend 24/7 with her?

If you really do like a woman and you qualify her by asking questions to get to know her better every time you see her, she will love you for it. Why? Because she will know that you are really interested in her. That it is NOT just about sex for you. That you have values. And if you are compatible, it will be obvious to both of you, as you ask questions back and forth.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Attract Women, Newspaper Column.

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How To Bounce Back From A Breakup


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, How do you bounce back from a breakup?

Answer: Well, very good question. A lot of guys mope around for years after a breakup, especially when the girl breaks up with them.

Some guys think that the old maxim “When you fall off a horse, get right back on” is the way to go. In other words, get another girlfriend.

However, that is not the best thing to do. Going from one lousy relationship to another, without learning what you did wrong, may make you feel better but it won’t lead to future success.

What I have always done after a break up is intense dating. If you do a lot of dating, talk to a lot of women, and ask a lot of questions you will be able to learn why your last relationship failed. That will make you a lot smarter when you go into that next relationship and increase your chances for eventual success.

How do you do a lot of dating? Well, I cover that extensively in my eBook “How I Got 700 Dates In One Year.” Basically, internet and personal dating sites are the way that I got my 700 dates in a year. If you want to learn how to meet people on the street, in clubs, etc. then “Dating To Relating From A To Z” is your textbook for that.

Question: Mr. L. Rx, is there any kind of body language that turns women off?

Answer: The biggest turn off that women have told me about is guys who communicate sexual innuendos and put attention on sex via their body language. Don’t confuse this with being sexy. Women like body language that makes a man sexy.

What they don’t like is body language that communicates that a guy has nothing but sex on his mind. So when a guy is telling a story or a joke, and pretends like he is grabbing or squeezing a part of a woman’s anatomy, that is a turn off. Guys who are constantly touching and grabbing at a woman they are with or talking to, can also be a turn off.

Where you eyes go when you first meet a woman can also be a turn off. Obviously a guy who looks at a woman’s breasts or butt as his first instinct can be a big turn off.

Then there are traditional turn offs – slovenly appearance, not standing up straight, slouching, not holding head up. Posture can be a big turn off for women. Posture can indicate whether a man is confident or not.

These are some of the things a man can do with his body language that will turn women off.

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Get A Girlfriend, Newspaper Column.

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What To Talk About When You Meet A Woman


Dating To Relating For Men- Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions cannot be answered.)

Question: How do I ask a girl who I am seeing to be my girlfriend?

Answer: My experience has been that if you have to ask, something is wrong. Most of the time, relationships evolve naturally. You start dating someone, you like them, so you see them more and more. You lose interest in seeing other people. My “girlfriend” conversation is usually simple. After a month or two, I usually find myself saying “Are you dating anyone else, because I am not.” They invariably say “No, I stopped seeing other people. I am just dating you.”

But if you have to ask, do it like women do. Don’t be confrontational – “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” Say something like “So we have been going out every week for 4 weeks now, does that mean I am your boyfriend?”

At least that will open the subject and you will find out where you stand.

Question: Do you think it’s a good idea to have a couple of regular stories lined up for the first few minutes of a conversation with a woman when you try to approach and meet her?

Answer: Well, I think it is much better to have a couple of questions lined up for women when you first meet them. Guys who go on-and-on talking about themselves tend to bore girls. Show that you are interested in her by asking questions.

But don’t work a list for too long. Listen to what the person says. Ask more questions based on what they just said. That shows that you are listening and are interested.

It does help to have questions lined up for different situations, however. The kind of questions you might ask a women at a social gathering, and the kind of questions that you might ask passing her on the street may be entirely different. You may want to work those out ahead of time and have them ready to go for different situations.

Question: I called this girl that I met and asked her out. When she asked me when I want to meet, I told her “Today, tomorrow, or any other time you want to meet.” Was that the right way to respond?

Answer: No, That sort of makes you look like a desperate loser. It would be better to show her you have some sort of life and that you are not available anytime. A simple response like “I am busy Saturday and Sunday night, but I am open Friday, sounds like you have a life. If she says “Too bad, Friday is the only night I can’t, then set something up for the next week.

If you really can’t wait to see her you could always call her back the next day and say “My Saturday night gig was postponed so if you would rather move our date up to Saturday, I can do that now.”

Mr. L. Rx

Posted in Meet Women, Newspaper Column.

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